Following on the upcoming work trip, there are two paths one can take - reactive or proactive (with regard to photography). If you simply don't have a few moments to plan for your shoot along with your work, then simply go reactive when time avails itself while there.
Let the sights, sounds and lights guide your photographic eye. Shoot when urged. I guess this is what many pros call - a snap shot. And this are probably pictures you would show off, only moderately.
Now, move your scale to proactive photography, and you are on your way to no longer get snap shots but perhaps, a story. In fact, the amount of research (for the site you are to shoot) done can be linearly proportional to the "punch" of that image you can create. The pros like to put it this way - if it begins to tell a "deeper" story, and that each of your image is technically well shot with that story, you have a winner which can lead you to an option of walking up to a news press and sell them those shots!