Right, Manila, the city of slums, overhead power cables and half-formed chicklet Eggs at 14 Peso. In fact, I found it tasty but somewhat gross as I see my colleague gobbling down one egg after another. Check out my D90 gallery for candid shots of singlet-clad hawkers and deep-fried squid sticks at 3 Peso each.
The number of Koreans are surprisingly many, with many claiming their residences in the cheap country. But hey, it was the Spanish and Americans and some Japanese who threaded on Philippines soil historically. But what's with these Koreans? I have no idea. Some say its a cheap place for their kids to learn English but maybe not. The economy is mango and bananas but majority of the funds come from the many overseas working Filipino. Increasing number of MNCs (Multinational Corporations) have moved out of the country, leaving its residents to only contemplate the glorious days of the Philippines achieved during the 80s. Well, really, it was a fine country until one goon government decided to sell away the country core steel industries for personal gains. That's where its a slope towards despair and downfall.
Shots from the Nikon D90 was good all the way, as you can see in my gallery. Believe it or not, I shoot entirely on the Nikkor 50mm throughout my stay in Philippines.