Deep in my gut, I think and know that the upcoming Nikon DSLR would be in line to replace the venerable Nikon D300. The handwriting is already all over the wall for this one and the inevitable introduction of what many believed to be the Nikon D400 is but in a few short months away.
Personally, I am a DSLR body hobbyist and not a lens collector. I am in no compulsion to twist my own arms and shoot in scenes I know requires specialty lenses. Well, this is further supported by the fact I can use a second body as either the new primary or secondary. Thirdly (I know this is an excuse for an amateur who wants to talk pro!), changing lens with a single body may result in a higher opportunity cost (sound so much like what I say for my work) for fleeting-moment shots.
Hence, I bring you, dear friends and visitors the Nikon D400 lab blog today! (Drum roll please)
You can find it conveniently located on the bottom right section of this blog. Or if you prefer, check it directly [here].
Hope you would enjoy it as much as I write it!